Thursday, February 23, 2012

OrderToday Defense Nutrition - Warrior Whey PLAIN Protein

Defense Nutrition - Warrior Whey PLAIN Protein

Product Description

Warrior Whey is a unique wholesome protein with a remarkable delicious creamy taste and unmatched nutritional value. It is inherently designed to promote satiety peptides such as CCK and GLP-1, which are known to enhance satiety, stabilize insulin and support weight loss. This nourishing effect yields a great sense of pleasure, curb cravings for sweets, and help manage weight. Warrior Whey is a remarkably delicious, non-denatured whole protein - a great fit for athletes, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts as well as health advocates, dieters and diabetics. It is made from raw milk of pasture-fed cows, and tested to contain the highest naturally occurring immunefactors and bioactive nutrients - naturally designed to fuel the immune system, boost energy, promote recovery, build muscle, and support athletic performance.Your health and physical state are constantly challenged by daily stressors, long lasting working hours, lack of rest and insufficient nutritional intake. Add to this the wear and tear of exercise and your body and muscles can only take so much...Warrior Whey is a unique bioactive whey protein naturally designed to help your body cope with daily stressors, remove toxins, reduce inflammation, repair damaged cells, and recover muscle tissues. Warrior Whey is available in delicious plain, vanilla, chocolate, peanut butter, and strawberry banana flavors. It can be served as a shake, a pudding or even chewed as a powder, flavors from the canister.


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